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What do you want? What can you do about it? What is getting between you and your greatness?
As a coach, I facilitate the opportunity to thrive and achieve dramatic positive change in your life through Shadow Integration Processes. Shadow Coaching addresses the discrepancy between where you are and where you want to be. The paradigm of this work is Emotional Education, Wholeness, Story and Heart based.
Shadow Coaching is rooted in the understanding that we are human and divine beings. We are divine beings having a human experience to aid us with our soul's evolution- to grow, fulfill our potential, and be all of who we want to be in the world. Ultimately, we are here on earth to get closer to our higher self and to know ourselves as both human and divine beings.
Every incident, event or experience in our lives holds the seed of some valuable and essential life lesson or wisdom. We view life as a teacher and trust that even the painful, traumatic, and upsetting experiences, when examined, processed, and emotionally digested, can deliver us exactly what we need to be the most fully expressed and of the highest contribution to the world.